Work with Us

Collaborations with employers are integral to providing our students with practical work experiences and industry insight.

Industry placements of around 45 days are an integral part of T Levels, a 2-year qualification equivalent to 3 A Levels, that brings the classroom and the workplace together. Your business will benefit from offering T Levels industry placements to our students in the following ways:

  • T Levels are designed with employers
    Our students will have skills and insight into your business needs
  • Your business will benefit
    Our students will bring fresh energy and thinking to your business
  • You will help to shape your next-generation workforce

You’ll receive support with planning at every stage of the process from our T Level team.

  • Why have T Levels been created?

    T Levels give young people the skills and knowledge they need to get a head start towards their future careers and support organisations like yours. Industry placements are already helping employers and their businesses go further.

  • What is an industry placement?

    A student is invited to work with you for around 45 days, developing skills and building confidence. Placement times can be arranged to fit in with your needs.

  • How do T Levels differ from apprenticeships or work experience?

    Apprenticeships are jobs with training for young people who are ready to work. An apprentice spends 80% of their time in paid employment and 20% learning in the classroom.

    T Levels are for young people who want to continue studying and gain work experience with a real employer on a worthwhile industry placement. T Level students complete employability training to understand the demands and expectations of the workplace before placement starts.

  • What do I have to do for an industry placement?

    We will help you design a placement that will benefit your business and teach young people the skills you seek in an employee. You must ensure the work environment is safe; the student has a line manager to support them and appraise the student’s time on placement.

  • What support will I get from London South East Colleges?

    You’ll receive support at every stage of the process. We will ensure that students are ready to be productive members of your workforce. We will also support planning the timeline and objectives of the industry placement.

  • Do I pay students on industry placements?

    There is no legal requirement or expectation that students will be paid, as it is part of a course. However, you can pay students if you wish.

  • What about other costs?

    We may be able to help with upfront costs, such as providing protective gear, DBS checks, specialist equipment etc.


To find out how you can get involved, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Greenskills New

Green skills are becoming increasingly crucial in today’s workforce, especially as we transition toward a more sustainable future. Fostering green skills is essential for a sustainable future. Embracing these skills will empower you to thrive in the evolving job landscape. 

All our courses meet the needs of employers. They allow you to progress into higher education, further training, or a job.

Find out more

electric car being charged

Venue Hire

London South East Colleges offers a wide range of flexible, comfortable and contemporary hire spaces at our Bromley, Greenwich and Orpington campuses.

Be an inclusive Employer

As a business, employing learning Disabilities and/or additional needs could be one of the most rewarding and valuable decisions you can make as an employer.

Work with us

We work with hundreds of local, regional, and national employers to ensure our curricula are industry-relevant and meet businesses' needs.