We really want to involve our Alumni in providing better learning opportunities for our students. We believe that out there, in the real working world, are people like you with a wide variety of different skills and experiences that can be passed on in lots of different ways.

We have a range of opportunities for you to get involved, including:

  • Provide a work experience programme or set a professional challenge

    This could be inviting an individual or a small group of students to come and sample a real working experience in your business. The College has its very own dedicated Work Experience team who can locate and prepare the right student to fulfil the right opportunity.

  • Hire an apprentice or trainee

    If you have a vacancy in your business, why not think about employing an apprentice or trainee. We work with hundreds of employers throughout London and the south east and have helped them find enthusiastic, ambitious and dedicated staff supported by a partnership of combined workplace and college-based training.

  • Talk to our students

    There’s nothing more heartening and reassuring than listening to someone talk about their journey from college to where they are now. Hearing of all the ups and downs, the potential pitfalls, the dos and don’ts and above all, about the paths you have taken to success. Students would love to hear your stories - either in a guest talk or even in a much more informal small group chat online.

  • Become a Mentor

    If you can spare the time and would like to help an individual student with how best to approach their studies, give advice and guidance or introduce them to a range of career pathways, you would be helping us provide a fantastic community service and help steer a young person in the right direction. Just one or two hours of your time each month would be all we ask of you to make a real difference to someone’s future.

  • Give us your story

    We are always looking for interesting Alumni stories to post on our news page and in the local, regional and even national press. We will send our reporter to chat and take some notes and a professional portrait image of you at your workplace (or another setting) before writing up the article and sharing it as far and wide as possible. These stories don’t just help to raise the College’s profile, they also help to raise yours too.

How becoming an Alumni can benefit you

As an Alumni, you will have access to FREE services, including career advice, staff training, and productivity guidance, no matter where you currently are in your career.

Join a growing alumni community and benefit from interacting with a network of fellow former students and like-minded individuals.

Interested? Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.