There was a time when, after leaving school, you could simply drop the subjects and never feel compelled to worry about them ever again. Now, however, the UK government has put both subjects firmly at the top of its list of educational priorities. Click through the course pages on this website, for example, and you will see the high standards we expect before we can be confident you will achieve success and stand a chance of attaining merit and distinction grades in your diploma qualifications.

The earlier you start to take the English and maths revolution seriously, the sooner you will find yourself on the road to a brighter future and one with more choices and possibilities.

How can London South East Colleges help you improve your grades in English and maths?

At each of our campuses, we have invested heavily in new English and Maths Hubs. They are open five days a week from early morning until the campus closes in the evening. They have expert staff members available who can be accessed via appointment, and quite often by just dropping in. You can use the Hub at any time for self-study and revision.

Students who have used the Hub have only great things to say about them and the specialist English and maths tutors who run them. Please click the links below to read just a few of the many satisfied customers who we have helped, or are currently helping, improve their literary and numeracy skills in order to cope with their mainstream courses now and in the future:

Andrew strives for good GCSE grades to enter university

Sarah’s success in English and Maths helps in her new career

English and Maths lessons capture Jack’s interest

Top marks in English leads Jasmin to greater opportunities

Our English and maths tutors are well experienced in enabling you to understand basic and advanced topics, giving you ‘easy-to-swallow’ useful tips and techniques, and can equip you with self-study and revision skills to help you prepare you for exams. We are sure that you can easily convert a previously despised subject into one that you will love.

Remember, once you start understanding the basics, developing a method or mechanism to some of the more complicated and complex tasks, you begin to build an interest. Once you are interested, there are no limits to what you can achieve.

Come and give it a go. Drop in and see us at any time or apply for one of our English and Maths courses advertised on this website.