Katrina suffers from an undiagnosed illness, which has left her unable to walk and bound to a wheelchair. Even after countless tests and doctors’ visits, her condition remains a mystery with no obvious cause. She has trouble getting around college and needs assistance throughout the day. Her friend, Paige, has been brilliant in helping. She gets up early every morning to help Katrina get to college on time and assists wherever she can throughout the day.

Despite these setbacks, Katrina is a hard-working student who is currently studying a Sport and Exercise Sciences Level 3 Diploma. She is a positive addition to the college and her personality is infectious, making people laugh and smile whenever she’s around. Katrina has ambitions of one day becoming a sports coach and her teachers believe she is on the right track to pursue this.

Alongside selflessly helping her friend, Paige was nominated for her brilliant football skills. She is the goalkeeper for the college’s ladies football team, a role she undertakes with hard work and passion. She is studying the same course with Katrina and is not only dedicated and hard-working in her own work, she also helps others wherever she can and offers words of encouragement when needed.

The pair are a strong unit. They now have the inspiring idea of producing a video to raise awareness for those who suffer from mystery conditions that are left undiagnosed. This is a subject that they feel needs to be talked about more, to give those who suffer the chance to have their stories heard.

Words: Emma Gibbons | Picture: Harriette Tillott | Story courtesy of: Jack Petch Foundation