Karis has been a highly successful speaker for the past two years, as well as a strong supporter of many youth engagement and support projects in the capital. She has a background in youth support and has worked as both a criminal justice practitioner and a family support worker.

She came along to support our series of welcome sessions and to inject inspiration and positivity into students as they turned up to start their courses.

Her key messages were:

  • learn to know yourself as an individual, discover how to change your habits and step out of your comfort zone - recognise your true personal identity and be confident about it
  • don’t allow the people around you to govern your life - be aware of friends who are ‘drainers’ and those who are ‘chargers’
  • be resourceful and use your time at college constructively, surround yourself with positive people and make good use of your educators
  • work hard to develop positive thoughts that will lead you to positive actions

Karis said: “Remember the three main elements to achieving highly, earning respect and gaining career satisfaction. They are: Vision, Identity and Power (VIP). Having vision and foresight will give you the drive and ambition to go far. Working on your identity and how you portray and carry yourself will sway others to take you seriously and treat you (and your vision) with respect. Empowering yourself by having the strength and the confidence to ask questions. Enjoy learning something new each day and do not fear being judged by others.”

Karis is a member of an organisation known as FIXUP Seminars. This stands for Focus Into Xtraordinary Untouched Potential. They provide speakers to schools and colleges that can reach out to students and help them develop a positive mind-set and get them off to a good start on their courses.

Assistant Principal for the Greenwich Campus, Lisa Stubbs said: “We are fortunate enough to welcome Karis to our College this year and she certainly has made an impact on our students. She has the ability to captivate her audience and inspire creativity, positivity and aspiration. It’s a great way of breaking the ice and initiating students into our College.”

Karis is just one of a large number of influential and professional speakers who visit London South East Colleges each year. They enrich the curriculum and offer students insight and understanding of the world and their potential life’s journey within it.

Still haven’t found the right course for September? Come and see us now. We still have places on a number of courses starting next week. If you would like to come to one of our enrolment or advice and guidance sessions, please click here to learn more.