Having got started on this personal super-challenge in March, it was early into April when her sewing machine broke down leaving her without the essential tools to carry on. On hearing this, it was Group Principal and CEO Dr Sam Parrett OBE who came to the rescue by stepping in and donating two brand new, heavy duty Singer sewing machines to help her to continue with the work.

After a premature closing of the latest Prince’s Trust project in March, Jane wanted to use her sewing and clothes making talents putting them to good use in the fight against the coronavirus. Watching the nightly reports on TV, she decided to join forces with other concerned individuals as well as major clothing manufacturers to make as many items of PPE and protective garments to support local NHS Trusts.

Jane searched online for ways of getting involved with other like-minded people and came across Mask Makers UK - a Facebook group dedicated to providing masks to help prevent spreading the COVID-19 virus. This group provides its members with a forum to discuss and share ideas, as well as connect those in desperate need of masks to makers close at hand and willing to help.

Using fabrics she already had, and receiving donations, Jane along with the help of her children Rosie and Liam, set to work immediately after watching a number of YouTube videos explaining how to make the most effective protective facial shields. Within a short time they had manufactured enough to accommodate a team of district nurses in Birmingham, the staff setting up a community hub at the College’s Erith Campus, her local Post Office workers, ward nurses in a hospice in Cheshire, hospital receptionists in Rochester, the residents of a children’s home in Orpington and many members of her local community afraid to go shopping without some form of protection. To date, she has made over 300 masks with many more to come. Just this week she has received more requests and is currently completing a batch of 130 for a company who clean hospitals in Tyne and Wear.

Jane says: “I have to say, the real reason for doing this was to keep myself productive during this period of remote working. My mental wellbeing depends on it and I just want to be of use while all of this is going on. On the day my old sewing machine died, I almost went into a minor breakdown. Although my daughter Rosie tried taking it apart to fix it, it was to no avail. My only hope was to put out a plea for help and assistance over social media and my prayers were answered when the Principal offered to donate me two brand new ones on behalf of the College. They were delivered within a day (thank you to John Lewis), and it was back to productivity.

“It was my grandmother Winnie and mother Ann that taught me how to sew and make garments for my dolls when I was a girl. Never did I think at the time that I’d be using the skills I learnt then to help save lives and keep vulnerable people and frontline workers safe during one of the world’s most deadly pandemics. Although I’m only a very small cog in a huge machine of volunteers across the country, I’m immensely proud to be part of the fight.”

Sam Parrett says: “Jane is not just a great leader of our Prince’s Trust teams; she is also an amazingly resourceful teacher and a very caring individual indeed. I’m totally blown away by what she is doing and the sheer effort she is making to help the country combat this devasting disease. I’m sure that when all of this is over, there will be people continuing with their lives because of what Jane and many others like her have done to help. These are the people who really do make a difference and I am only too pleased that we (the College) have been able to help her achieve what she has so far. Each Thursday evening, at 8pm, when I take to my doorstep to applaud the country’s frontline workers and the NHS, I will be sure to clap for Jane and her family too.”

Colleges across the UK are currently coming together to support local communities during the coronavirus crisis by providing to local foodbanks. Please click here if you would like to make a donation to London & South East Education Group’s FE Foodbank Friday initiative.  

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