Working remotely using only their own hair and beauty kits, training heads and online and video tuition, the students have turned their homes into makeshift mini salons, applying their creativity, resourcefulness and skills to style and create looks from the avant-garde to contemporary, the natural world of woodland nymphs to classical and the elegant chic.

Each Monday morning, the challenges are dispatched with a set of instructions to over forty different students from each campus. These are supplemented with some words of encouragement from the tutors themselves and our employer partners who have either joined our judging panels, donated prizes for the winners or donated free tutorials or exclusive live streamed assistance and stimulus.

High-flying professional stylists and beauty experts Patrick Cameron, Karine Jackson, Harry Casey, Sophie Tague and Dawn Donovan, along with hair and beauty product giants Loreal and Dermalogica have been supporting the challenges in different ways throughout the lockdown.

Both teams across both Bromley and Greenwich came together and have been instrumental in setting up the challenges. Salon Facilitator Debbie Hobbs said: “With the sudden lockdown occurring in the middle of such an important and crucial point in the College year, we wanted to ensure continuation of coursework from the moment the campuses closed up until they reopen. 

“We have designed the challenges to make use of natural resources that students will have access to around the home or in their gardens. We wanted to excel their creativity; to be bold and stand out with their creations and have fun with their skills.

“Obviously, it’s not the same as being able to work from our fully equipped salons and with a tutor to support and supervise, but we have been available online and at the end of a phone at all times to make sure they aren’t disadvantaged in any way.

“I’m glad to say that so far, the initiative has brought about some stunning results and the students have reacted very positively. One even told me that it has helped to keep her mind occupied during what is a very worrying period for her and her family.”

Winners so far have included Kaydie Reid, Megan Darcy Jones, Priye John, Millie Dellar, Audrone Galinaityte and Liljana Makai.

Hairdressing student Liljana was delighted to pick up first prize last week and said: “Although the campuses are closed, I will never allow the coronavirus to close down my dreams.”

Beauty student Audrone said: “It’s great to take part in such a positive and highly motivating activity each week. With all that is going on during this outbreak, I need to stay focussed on my career plans and not get side-tracked at any point. I’m proud to be amongst the winners so far and fully intend to be so again. Our tutors have been available every weekday, pretty much at any time if and when we need them, and the students have also been very supportive of each other too.”

Colleges across the UK are currently coming together to support local communities during the coronavirus crisis by providing to local foodbanks. Please click here if you would like to make a donation to London & South East Education Group’s FE Foodbank Friday initiative.

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