The College is hosting a virtual event for each of these sectors in March, in partnership with the Education and Training Foundation (ETF). The sessions will offer practical advice and guidance to businesses about why and how to recruit SEND learners, including ways to build effective partnerships with colleges and accessing funding opportunities.

The Creative Arts–focused session will take place on 17 March 2022 from 3pm-4:30pm

The Sport & Leisure–focused session will take place on Thursday 24 March from 10am-11:30am

Each event will feature a several speakers and industry experts, including successful actor – Daniel Laurie – who appears in the BBC’s BAFTA-winning series, Call the Midwife. As someone with a learning disability himself, Daniel will share his experiences of working in the creative arts sector and the huge success he has had.

Businesses already employing SEND learners will also be sharing their insight, with speakers from the Halfmoon and Unicorn Theatres and Charlton Athletic Community Trust.

Rhona Sapsford, Career Pathway Director of SEND, ESOL and ALS at London South East Colleges, says: “Through our many years of experience, we know how much value SEND learners can add to businesses – and the benefits to be gained on both sides.

“We are delighted to be hosting these events with the ETF, to provide employers with the information and support they need to work with us and actively recruit young people with learning disabilities.

“Having Daniel share his own personal experiences is a huge highlight. His success is testament to his talent and determination as well as the support he has had from his family – and he is an absolute inspiration to many of our own students who are perhaps interested in a career in creative arts.

“I very much hope that many employers will join us for these events – and pledge their support to these many talented and enthusiastic young people by offering work experience, internships and employment.”

The virtual events will be hosted via the Springpod platform. Please register HERE and a link will be sent out ahead of the event.

London South East Colleges offers outstanding SEND provision for 16-24 year olds – supporting them into employment and independent living.

The College is one of eight FE providers to be included in the ETF’s Centres for Excellence in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (CfESEND) programme. This aims to bring colleges and employers together across a range of industries to demonstrate how businesses can benefit from diversifying their workforce. These virtual events are part of this programme – find out more here:

LSEC SEND Event Logos