The ‘Ignite’ exhibition was part of Edu Arts Fest 21 which celebrated the power of the arts and creativity in our schools and colleges. The exhibition covered student themes which included happiness, health and wellbeing, food waste, the River Thames, nature in Bexley, upcycling and recycling.

This year, our work experience partners Cory Riverside Energy and Bexley Council offered their expert services as judges for the exhibition. This was no mean feat as the quality of the work on display was superb throughout, with the judges describing a number of the entries as ‘university-level’ artwork.

Chelsea and Fiona from Cory Riverside and Bexley Council were hugely impressed by the show’s quality. In a joint comment, they said: “We’ve both been blown away by what we have seen, the combination of multimedia, art and photography plus the vibrant colour. It’s been a joy.” 

After a lengthy deliberation, the two judges picked out six pieces of work that particularly stood out to them. Congratulations to those selected for their fantastic artworks. However, this was a competition with no losers, so high was the quality of the art submitted.

Art and Design Lead at our Bexley Campus, Mary Campbell said: “I’m delighted with the standard and variety of work produced by our students. It’s a great end to a tough year. They’ve done a fab job in curating the content.” We couldn’t agree more!

If you would like to view the Ignite exhibition, the works are currently displayed at the Bexley Campus, second floor until the end of term.

A number of the artworks will be selected for viewing as part of the Eco-Fest 2021 online exhibition from 9-16 October.

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