Ugandan-born Aida Nakabugo, 56 from Woolwich made the very important decision months before to study for her GCSE English and Maths qualifications and put it off no more. If she was to reignite her enthusiasm and finally realise her dream, it was a ‘now or never’ call.

In the Summer, Aida achieved grade 4s (grade C passes) in both subjects and with it developed a love for the English language, comprehension and grammar as well as a new found confidence with all things numerical.

“It was almost like being set free,” said Aida, “I’ve wanted to take these subjects for so long and always felt held back without them. And if only I’d known just how good the courses at London South East Colleges were going to be, I’d have done them long ago.

“Being of an age when many people start to think of their retirement plans, I’m still wide awake and eager to achieve my dreams. I’ve wanted to use the many other top level skills I have in hospitality and catering, home economics and cooking fine foods to move up the ladder a step or two and become a manager - I’m not going to let this pass me by.

“I’m so grateful to my tutors Finn and Lisa (English), and Sunday (Maths), for explaining everything to me so clearly and also for bringing with it a real engagement and devotion to the subjects. Too many people see these as some kind of hurdle you have to get over in life but if you treat them as something more along the lines of an interest and affection, you eventually develop a need to amass lots of knowledge. With this, you mature into a better person and become wiser and more articulate. Not only that, you empower yourself as a person and open yourself up to learn even more.

“Thank you to my teachers - they have made me realise I’m not too old to learn after all. With their support and encouragement, their infectious zeal and the extra time they have put in outside of the lessons, I have overcome so much and feel ready for the next chapter of my life. Next year, I shall apply for university and do so in very high spirits. Bring it on!”

English Language tutors, Finn Devers and Lisa Clifford along with Maths tutor Sunday Adeola are delighted with Aida’s results and look forward to hearing more about her success in the future. Finn said: “I think I speak for the entire team when I say that Aida was a truly inspirational student. She has charisma; she oozes joyfulness, persistence and resilience and was simply a pleasure to teach.

“Aida is a wonderful role model for all women who wish to return to education. She’s living proof of how putting your mind to something, getting the best help and support you can, and by having that end goal to drive you on; you can achieve anything you want to.

If you are considering returning to further or higher education after a number of years or would like to improve your GCSE core subjects (English or Maths) results, contact us now. Or, join us at one of our forthcoming virtual open events in November. Click here to learn more.

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