Sustainability Specialists

A Sustainability Specialist addresses environmental sustainability issues for companies or organizations, including university systems. Develops strategies for reducing energy costs, promotes environmentally friendly production, business or maintenance practices.

About this Career

Average Salary


New workers start at around £18,936. Normal pay is £30,190 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £49,756

Annual Openings


Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs

Daily Tasks

  • Carries out research into aspects of the natural world.
  • Prepares applications for funding to other organisations, and assessing applications for funding from other organisations.
  • Promotes conservation issues via educational talks, displays, workshops and literature and liaison with the media.
  • Maintains and develops knowledge in relevant policy areas within a national and European legislative context.
  • Liaises with other groups in the selection and maintenance of the Protected Site System including Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Ramsar sites, and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and National Nature Reserves (NNRs).
  • Provides advice and information to government at national and local levels, clients, landowners, planners and developers to facilitate the protection of the natural environment.
  • Implements, evaluates and monitors schemes for the management and protection of natural habitats.
  • Carries out environmental impact assessments and field surveys.
  • Promotes and implements local and national biodiversity action plans, particularly with regard to threatened species and habitats.

Skills Employers are looking for

Skills Importance
Reading Comprehension 76%
Monitoring 74%
Active Learning 73%
Active Listening 73%
Writing 72%
Critical Thinking 71%
Speaking 69%
Learning Strategies 65%
Mathematics 64%
Science 59%