Clinical Nurse Specialists

A Nurse Specialist or Specialist Nurse directs and coordinates patient care in a specialized field, and supervises other healthcare specialists in addition to providing medical treatment. Specializations include work with a particular group of patients, such as infants or elderly patients, or expertise with a particular condition such as cancer or heart disease.

About this Career

Average Salary


New workers start at around £13,850. Normal pay is £30,675 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £46,132

Annual Openings


Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs

Daily Tasks

  • Plays an educational role for patients and families, helping to develop rehabilitation routines and advising on how to care for their condition in everyday life, disease prevention and nutrition.
  • Manages own case load.
  • Assists medical doctors in conducting examinations and other medical procedures.
  • Administers drugs and medicines, applies surgical dressings and gives other forms of treatment.
  • Provides basic care and monitors patients' general health such as blood pressure or body temperature.
  • Plans, manages, provides and evaluates nursing care services within a community care setting.

Skills Employers are looking for

Skills Importance
Active Listening 57%
Speaking 55%
Reading Comprehension 53%
Critical Thinking 53%
Monitoring 50%
Writing 48%
Active Learning 46%
Learning Strategies 42%
Mathematics 35%
Science 3%